May 2020

European Edinost started to collaborate with the curatorial project “Hotel Europa” by Théo-Mario Coppola, on the creation of a joint editions of the projects, focusing on the continuity of forms of struggle in Europe and the European oversees territories.

November 2019

Alessio Mazzaro will talk of Edinost and European Edinost during the conference “La pratica artistica di Alessio Mazzaro: l’esempio di Edinost”, hosted by Libreria Zabarella in Padova.

October 2019

– Launch of European Edinost 2, “What is home?”, at Stadtlabor in Gottingen (DE).

– Workshop delivered by Alessio Mazzaro to the students of the MA in Euroculture, hosted by the Centre for Global Migration Studies in Gottingen (DE)

–  Lecture at Max Planck Institute for religious and ethnic diversity, Gottingen (DE)

June 2019

Presentation of Edinost at Yucca Fest in Padova, curated by Anna Scoretti and organised by Ass. Nadir.

May 2019

Presentation of the European Edinost at La Colonie in Paris

7th February 2019

Belgian launch of the first issue of European Edinost at MuntPunt in Bruxelles

31th January 2019

European Edinost will be present in the show Garage Pirate at Recyclart in Bruxelles.

29th & 30th January 2019

European Edinost was one of the topic of discussion during the lectures Alessio Mazzaro gave in Montreal at the Italian Cultural Institute and the Univesite de Montreal

18th October 2018

Edinost is looking for two interns in the period November 2018- June 2019.
We need an assistant in PR and one in Communication. Work mainly at home, two afternoons/week, also for short periods of three months.
For more info, write to

27th September -1st of October 2018

The European Edinost took part in ECF Courageous Citizens incubator Workshop organised by 4iS Plataforma para a inovação Social in Portugal.